How Does One Define Career?

Social media is beginning to flood with happy posts about college graduations. Smiling faces, relieved parents and the graduate… standing on the precipice of “What’s Next?” The pressure put on the graduate by family, society or themself to have their career aspirations worked out by graduation day is nuts, in my humble opinion.

College gives you the education, the knowledge… but it does not give you a career. You can attend law school and not become a traditional lawyer. The medical student may diverge into any number of careers. The teaching degree doesn’t dictate you find a job in a traditional school. One might jump headfirst into the intended line of work only to find the job isn’t what they thought it would be like… or the industry is cutthroat and you, my dear, are a sweet and kind person who has never even killed a fly.

Dear graduate, my wish… my dream for you is that you take time to figure out what fits for YOU… what fuels your passion… where do you find yourself fulfilled in every sense of the word? Please…. do not pinhole yourself to what you or anyone else expects. Give yourself time to breathe, to relax and most importantly, to find out who you are… away from the social structure that is higher education and the requirements that goes along with that. During your college years, you were not only absorbing a tremendous amount of education, but you were still growing into who you will become as a person.

Now’s the time to truly think outside of the box. Perhaps you started out thinking you would hunker down and teach elementary school in your hometown, but you have realized you have a curiosity and passion for travel. Why not combine the two and look into teaching English abroad for a year or so? English teachers are always in demand overseas…. you don’t have to be an English major, and dare I say, you don’t necessarily need a full-on teaching degree. With a willing heart, a passion for others, and a really good grasp of the language, you could be in for the most exciting year of your life… and who knows where that may lead.

Don’t tie yourself down just yet… get out there and try different jobs, industries, opportunities. Put the word out there and see what the Universe lays at your feet.

When the amazing happens, be sure to let us know so we can cheer you on!

You will find a year’s worth of gems of wisdom in the College Graduate collection at Wisdom and Warnings. Give yourself the gift of time… and advice for this life milestone.


Purpose… what’s yours?


Strength in Letting Go