Bull in a China Shop

Friends, I am the definition of a bull in a China shop….. or a puppy on caffeine. When I get excited or passionate, get out of the way, I’m balls to the wall, full steam ahead.

Thing is, sometimes in all of that excitement I will overlook critical details and blow up a project, rip out the garden, start to tear down a wall… then halfway through stop and realize… oh, THAT’S that it was there for. Those weeds were really sentimental flowers… the wall, well, it was load-bearing… and my excitement just got really, really expensive to fix.

How does one balance the excitement and freight train enthusiasm with level-headed planning and execution? No, seriously, I’m asking you….

The only thing I’ve found so far that has helped in any way is marrying my better half. We’re both super creative and witty as the day is long… but he’s the planner. He can see a project from start to finish. I can see the dustbowl of chaos at the start, and he can see the clear view of the finish line. Thank goodness for that! My hubby is there to encourage my whirling creative mind… then he’s there to help guide its progress with vision and execution.

Lesson here… find your balance and embrace the differences.

You’ll find many more nuggets like this in the “If I Knew Then…” collection… filled with lessons learned from people like you and me… to hopefully help the younger generation learn life’s lessons the easy way.


Cut Some Slack for Mother’s Day


Happy Mother’s Day…. to ALL Single Parents (Yup, Dads Included)